Category: Tabletop RPG Stuff

  • End of February report

    My arm has recovered quite a bit! It’s functional, but it’s not quite back to the pain-free strength that it had before. My infection (or, perhaps, the symptoms left behind by the infection) hasn’t quite resolved yet, however. I went through another round of antibiotics and painkillers, and I am waiting to see if the…

  • End of January report

    Infection or no infection, injury or no injury, I can type out a short update and I did make some progress before I injured my arm. Also, I moved away from specifying my reports as for the greyfolk language or writing or GURPS because I will hopefully be talking a bit more about each of them in…

  • End of November writing report

    I’ll admit that I used a time machine to send this post to actually be at the end of November because I didn’t want to see a month-long gap in posts on my blog. I’ll also admit that I did absolutely zero work on my conlang, which is why this is not a greyfolk language report—it’s…

  • Thoughts on decapitation in GURPS

    To make execution and decapitation fit the rules better, there are [su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” content=”This is a link to ‘How would you model Saudi Arabia beheading in GURPS?’ on the GURPS forums”]a couple of worthy suggestions[/su_tooltip]: Kromm says: If “triple damage” is possible on a lucky shot, then in a set-up situation where luck doesn’t…

  • Knowing Your Own Strength with Conditional Injury in GURPS

    So that’s what he’s been doing. You caught me fair and square. This month, I’ve spent over a week trying to figure out how to best merge Knowing Your Own Strength (KYOS) with Conditional Injury (CI). The funniest part of the story is that this came from me trying to fit some new decapitation rules into GURPS…

  • Lots of (Powered by) GURPS Kickstarters

    On the off-chance that someone sees this and then on the further off-chance someone thinks, “Wow, wait, I love GURPS too”, I have some news. There are currently two active Kickstarters where you can show your support for GURPS as I have done so: SJ Games’ Dungeon Fantasy RPG Monsters 2 as well as Douglas…