• Using the schwa (ə) in the Greyfolk language

    My body is so fatigued from my better posture (which I’ve had to have due to my cervical radiculopathy, which I talked about in my last post), but I’m gonna discuss what I can about the schwa in the Greyfolk language until I herniate another disc. This will be pretty short anyway. I’ve had an…

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  • Diagnosed with cervical radiculopathy on my left side

    Well, this is fun. I’m sure some higher power is definitely smiting me for not posting in a while—I’m sure my one reader has felt sorely disappointed. But I’m the one feeling sore now! So, the joke’s on me, I guess… Between enjoying my girlfriend’s spring break with her, her family being in town, her…

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  • Added a site icon

    It’s something small—literally quite small—, but I did it. It took a lot of trial and error—perhaps more than it should’ve taken. All I used was Excel and Paint.net. It’s a bit squishy-squashed, but that’s the Greyfolk word «pe», which is the first-person singular pronoun, translated into English as “I” or “me”, depending on the…

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  • Lots of (Powered by) GURPS Kickstarters

    On the off-chance that someone sees this and then on the further off-chance someone thinks, “Wow, wait, I love GURPS too”, I have some news. There are currently two active Kickstarters where you can show your support for GURPS as I have done so: SJ Games’ Dungeon Fantasy RPG Monsters 2 as well as Douglas…

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  • Removing wiki, adding projects

    So, it turns out that using Mediawiki to create a personal wiki is really hard. Instead of continuing to fight against it, I have created a space for wiki-like pages directly on the WordPress part of my site under Projects in my site navigation. The first one—Greyfolk language—is up! Now, it’s definitely not complete, but…

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  • I wish I had a Greyfolk way to say hello

    Alas, I don’t. Anyway, here’s my first post on what I am lazily calling the Greyson’s Conlang Blog. It’s good enough for now! To my friends, family, and old professors, if you want to prove that you’ve really checked out my new site, message/email/whatever me with the following secret phrase: “Wait, that’s the best you…

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