• The July update you’ve all been waiting for

    I really couldn’t have put together a short post about how the Greyfolk syllable blocks have changed, huh? To be fair, I’m preparing for a big move to Columbus, Ohio! While I don’t have many exciting conlang-related things to share, I did update the site. I revamped the homepage, removed About Me, and added Portfolio. Ooh, a…

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  • New «h» glyph (and the runners-up)

    The new «h» glyph was decided in the minutes before I saw Flor de Toloache—an all-female mariachi—about a month and a half ago. I had been going back and forth and back and forth for a few days, but, somehow, making the decision away from my office made it just a little bit easier. h…

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  • New alphabet, places of articulation, and manners of articulation

    I just got finished finally typing up ‘New «h» glyph (and the runners-up)’ when I realized that a lot of what went into the design would be lost if I didn’t talk about [su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” content=”This is a link to ‘Place of articulation’ on Wikipedia“]place of articulation[/su_tooltip] and [su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” content=”This is a…

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  • It’s a life update! 2

    It shouldn’t take another two weeks. —me, two weeks ago No worries. It’s not my first time being wrong. Though, it was my first time taking a three-day trip to Ohio. My girlfriend had to go to Ohio for an interview, which was very exciting, so I tagged along! Well, even if I hadn’t wanted…

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  • Another two weeks later

    Things have been going well for the Greyfolk language and things have been going well for me. You’re probably here for the Greyfolk language, but let’s start with me. Since my last update, my girlfriend has graduated from her dual master’s program at IU. That’s fun! I haven’t done anything too amazing like that, but…

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  • Post-presentation update

    Two weeks later / In the living room stressin’ from “Helpless” from Hamilton the musical. Has it really been two weeks since my last update? But so much has happened since then! One such thing is that I was invited back by one of my professors to give a guest lecture on conlanging as well…

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  • Greyfolk Font Update 3: Man, the Man Is Non-Stop!

    Forget my previous post and even the one before it because here’s another update! I’ve been working on this font day and night [su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” content=”This is a link to Non-Stop from Hamilton on YouTube“]like I’m running out of time[/su_tooltip]. It happened after I woke up this morning after my update late last night.…

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  • So, I’ve already updated the font for Greyfolk

    It’s actually already reflected in my previous post. After I published that post, I realized that I was seeing some inconsistencies across my phone, my computer, and my girlfriend’s laptop. The font looked much sharper on my phone and on my girlfriend’s laptop while appearing fuzzy on my monitor. “How can that be?” I wondered.…

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  • Custom original font for the Greyfolk language

    I’m pretty proud of this. Before my guest lecture about conlanging at IU on April 17th, one of my goals was to make a rudimentary custom font, specifically for Greyfolk GU. I’ve known for a while know what the letters look like and how they form into syllable blocks, but I hadn’t taken the time…

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  • It’s a life update!

    This is mostly for me, really, but you might learn some fun things too! The weather was warm today! That was nice. I’m slowly recovering from my cervical radiculopathy, I think. I’ve been listening to the My Brother, My Brother, and Me podcast as well as the audiobook for A Memory of Light from The…

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