Greyfolk language’s monosyllabic roots and words: roots 12–20 (and 21?)
In my previous post, I covered the sixth through the eleventh monosyllabic root. In this post, I will cover the last nine. «me» «se» «ke» «tle» «yel» «yil» «nel» «nil» «ten» «tin» «lem» «lim» «pem» «pim» «pum» «pli» «plu» «min» «mun» «kyu» «kul» «num» «sul» «lun» «yum» «myu» «hu» «syu» «kyu» is a particle that…
Greyfolk language’s monosyllabic roots and words: roots 6–11
In my previous post, I covered the first five monosyllabic roots. In this post, I will cover the next six. «me» «se» «ke» «tle» «yel» «yil» «nel» «nil» «ten» «tin» «lem» «lim» «pem» «pim» «pum» «pli» «plu» «min» «mun» «kyu» «kul» «num» «sul» «lun» «yum» «myu» «hu» «syu» «nel» translates into English as ‘past’ as…
Greyfolk language’s monosyllabic roots and words: roots 1–5
In my previous post, I gave described the background and the process of coming up with the monosyllabic roots and words for the greyfolk language. There are 20 of them, but, in this post, I will go over the first five. «me» «se» «ke» «tle» «yel» «yil» «nel» «nil» «ten» «tin» «lem» «lim» «pem» «pim»…
Greyfolk language’s monosyllabic roots and words: the background
Before I start talking about the nouns formed from the 20 monosyllabic roots in the greyfolk language, I want to explain some background concepts as well as the process. After almost two months, I finished these suckers about a week ago, and then I gave them a bit of time to rest because I knew…
Belated end of September Greyfolk language report
During September, I had 13-ish strong days of work on my conlang. Even with all of that work, it feels like I have so little to show. I’m mulling over the idea of making more regular posts that talk about what I’m working on instead of just what I’ve finished. I merged my possessive/genitive particle…
Thoughts on decapitation in GURPS
To make execution and decapitation fit the rules better, there are [su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” content=”This is a link to ‘How would you model Saudi Arabia beheading in GURPS?’ on the GURPS forums”]a couple of worthy suggestions[/su_tooltip]: Kromm says: If “triple damage” is possible on a lucky shot, then in a set-up situation where luck doesn’t…
Knowing Your Own Strength with Conditional Injury in GURPS
So that’s what he’s been doing. You caught me fair and square. This month, I’ve spent over a week trying to figure out how to best merge Knowing Your Own Strength (KYOS) with Conditional Injury (CI). The funniest part of the story is that this came from me trying to fit some new decapitation rules into GURPS…
End of August Greyfolk language report
Okay, so I honestly forgot about August 31st when I thought of the title and said that I would post this “tomorrow”. Use your imagination. There are a few posts that I can definitely still make about conlanging—I just haven’t. I’ve had six-ish strong days of work this month, but a lot of my conlanging…
Good move, Greyfolk language update tomorrow
Another month has snuck—or sneaked, if you prefer—past me! The move to Columbus, OH with my partner went exceptionally well. Our new place is really great. Since moving in, we’ve had few problems. Some outlets are ungrounded (which I want to bring up with the landlord), there was a mouse in the kitchen (though, it…
Creating the new 7HR alphabet
It’s like a [su_tooltip style=”dark” position=”north” content=”This is a link to ‘Seven-segment display’ on Wikipedia“]seven-segment display[/su_tooltip]. But horizontal, so it’s on its side. But rotated, so it’s normal again. That’s what 7HR means—it’s 7-segment display horizontal rotated. So, the previous alphabet would be called 14N—it’s 14-segment display neutral. Seven segments is a lot less than…