Quick Review of The Citadel at Norðvorn from Gaming Ballistic for the DFRPG
The Citadel at Norðvorn (Kickstarter) for the DFRPG came out last year in 2019, so I’m a little late to reviewing that as well. It is a lot like Hall of Judgement with more experience and content behind it, and I really couldn’t have asked for more. My favorite parts were (as they always are) the…
Quick Review of Hall of Judgement from Gaming Ballistic for the DFRPG
The Hall of Judgement (Kickstarter) for the DFRPG came out back in 2018, but that isn’t going to stop me from reviewing it now. 120 pages of a norse-themed setting and adventure for the dungeon fantasy sibling of my favorite table-top RPG ever? Yeah, I’m interested (and I was very happy to learn that it was…
Quick Review of the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (Powered by GURPS), the GM Screen, and the Dungeon Fantasy Companion from Steve Jackson Games
This has been a long time coming. The Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game (Kickstarter) came out way back in 2017, which is already crazy for me to think about. I think I would best describe is as the younger sibling of GURPS that is really into fantasy, which meant it was perfect for me. 5 books, 2…
It’s a life update! 3
It’s been almost a year since my last life update. Believe it or not, I did beat Bioshock Infinite. I have to say that it was a pretty good game, and I’m usually not that interested in shooters. I also beat Gris. It was a short and sweet game just as I had expected. Pillars…
Disyllabic roots in greyfolk language, 3: the roots so far
After explaining how I planned the roots and how I created a database for them, I am ready to and happy to share the results! The 4-phoneme disyllabic roots: «kaka, kana, lapa, mama, masa, naka, nana, pala, papa, saha, sama, sasa, tata, taya, yata». The 5-phoneme disyllabic roots: «hahan, hakam, halan, halma, halta, hamam, hamla,…
Disyllabic roots in greyfolk language, 2: creating the database
In my end of February report, I mentioned that I was able to create a database to help me create disyllabic roots while preserving Hamming distance. One big part of that was devising a macro for Excel that would do the following: Range A is a bank of possible (according to the rules of my…
Disyllabic roots in greyfolk language, 1: planning the roots
In the process of creating the monosyllabic roots the first time (and, by extension, the second time), I had an idea of a few disyllabic roots that I wanted. As «me», «se», and «ke» are the singular personal pronouns, I wanted «mema», «sesa», and «keka» as the plural personal pronouns. That meant, for 4-phoneme disyllabic…
From Orvis to Astra
After taking another look at my partner’s blog* earlier today, I decided that I wanted to redesign my site a bit. Really, since I helped her design her blog, I have wanted to do a redesign for mine. I like Orvis, but it still didn’t look like I wanted it to and it doesn’t have…
Reworked numerals for greyfolk language
As far as I can tell, I have fixed the numerals to work with my Hamming distance database (that I briefly mentioned in my end of February report), but I don’t want to say these are final. In order to get numerals to work in the way that I wanted them to work, I had…
Reworked monosyllabic roots for greyfolk language
The monosyllabic roots have changed since when I first introduced them. After working on disyllabic roots, my feelings about my original monosyllabic roots changed a bit, and I wanted to make them fit my Hamming distance philosophy better. Previously, the words had the right distance from one another, but the roots didn’t always because I didn’t derive…